Blessed Samhain and Happy New Year! Samhain, a.k.a. Halloween, is the most sacred holiday for most witches.
It is also known as the Witches New Year.
I love this time of year because it is so sacred to me. It is the time of year when the Veil between worlds is thinnest, when it is possible to journey between worlds easily, for our Ancestors to reach out and communicate with us, pass on their knowledge, their wisdom.
I love all the seasons, love embracing the turning Wheel but I really love the time of Samhain, because I love this time of darkness, this time of slowing down, time to rest, breathe and just listen. The growing season is over, the crops are in, the fields have been cleared for their winter's rest before the cycle starts again next spring. This is the time where we withdraw from the outside world and snuggle in for the Dark Time of the year.
A lot of people do not like this time of year because they feel like the everything is bare, dirty, empty, wet and dreary, like the party is over and in a way it is. Witches/pagans follow and celebrate the seasons of the year based on the growing seasons versus the calendar year, that is one of the reasons why Samhain/Halloween is our New Year, the growing season is done, the fields are empty. For us the end of the year is now, not on December 31st.
I see this time of year as the perfect time to take in some quality downtime, time spent going thru your Inner House, your mental/spiritual/emotional house. Clean out the clutter, the chatter, sweep out the cobwebs of the Soul, excise old ghosts, old grudges, old emotions, old attachments that are no longer serving you. Time to sit back and start planning, visualizing, dreaming about what new and beautiful changes you want to bring into your life over the next year.
Witches also honor and seek the Wisdom of our Ancestors during the Season of Samhain. We honor those we have lost during our life time as well as honoring those who have died for their beliefs through out the ages.It is also known as the Witches New Year.
I love this time of year because it is so sacred to me. It is the time of year when the Veil between worlds is thinnest, when it is possible to journey between worlds easily, for our Ancestors to reach out and communicate with us, pass on their knowledge, their wisdom.
I love all the seasons, love embracing the turning Wheel but I really love the time of Samhain, because I love this time of darkness, this time of slowing down, time to rest, breathe and just listen. The growing season is over, the crops are in, the fields have been cleared for their winter's rest before the cycle starts again next spring. This is the time where we withdraw from the outside world and snuggle in for the Dark Time of the year.
A lot of people do not like this time of year because they feel like the everything is bare, dirty, empty, wet and dreary, like the party is over and in a way it is. Witches/pagans follow and celebrate the seasons of the year based on the growing seasons versus the calendar year, that is one of the reasons why Samhain/Halloween is our New Year, the growing season is done, the fields are empty. For us the end of the year is now, not on December 31st.
I see this time of year as the perfect time to take in some quality downtime, time spent going thru your Inner House, your mental/spiritual/emotional house. Clean out the clutter, the chatter, sweep out the cobwebs of the Soul, excise old ghosts, old grudges, old emotions, old attachments that are no longer serving you. Time to sit back and start planning, visualizing, dreaming about what new and beautiful changes you want to bring into your life over the next year.
We promise to never forget those who were persecuted because they chose to live their Truth, chose to be strong against the Tide of conformity, chose to follow the Universal Laws of Nature versus the laws of men.
We set up altars with loving representations and remembrances of all of these loved ones, we offer incense to sweeten their memory, set a place for them at Dumb Supper, ask their hand in a Tarot spread to show us the way, invite them to join us in Sacred Space to share their wisdom with us so that we may seek to better ourselves, start on the next path, write the next chapter, plant the newest row in our personal Soul Garden.
May the Wisdom of your Ancestors bless you this Samhain Season.
So Mote It Be.
Blessed Be.