Saturday, October 19, 2013

October Full Moon Blessings

5:30am...Full Moon shining on my face "get up, get up". The solitude I have been craving is mine for the taking. At this moment there is a fresh fire burning in the wood stove, candles lit on my altar/buffet, incense wafting through the house, a cup of coffee dark and sweet, the full moon setting amongst the trees. I am grateful. Last night as the Mother Goddess and I chatted with Sister Moon while She bathed the world with Her silvery glow I was gently reminded that yes, Life is (ever)changing, is always moving forward and my ever constant wish for a moment to be able to stop and collect my breath, my thoughts, my bearings is NEVER going to happen, at least not from without...only from within.....I have to make my own moments, my own "me" time...I have to stop waiting for the Universe to bring it to me on a silver platter....I have to pay more attention to the gifts illuminated for me within the silver glow of that Full Moon. So, with the wood fire warming my home, my coffee warming my being, the incense and sacred space warming my Soul I bid you Sweet Full Moon Blessings, may your day be full of peace, contentment and Love. With Knowledge, Truth, Wisdom, Grace....Blessed Be.


  1. What a beautiful greeting on this chilly Saturday morning,,,,,,wishing you a beautiful day & weekend!

  2. I loved reading your post. Inspired me to light some incense, enjoy some coffee and have some quiet, peaceful me-time. Have a wonderful, blessed weekend, my friend. :)

  3. Beautiful and what I needed to hear. So glad you are writing again!
