Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Healing time in the Land of Water.....

"Nothing in the world
is as soft and yielding as water, 
Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible,
nothing can surpass it.

The soft overcomes the hard;
the gentle overcomes the rigid,
Everyone knows this is true,
but few can put it into practice." - Lao-tzu

 Blue Moon Cottage is situated in an area that is gifted with water; ponds, lakes (big and small) streams, creeks, rivers. In fact, just beyond the five homes on the lane behind me is a pretty sizable lake and down the road a mile is a huge lake and about every third house out here has a pond or mini lake in it's yard. I dwell smack dab in the Land of Water.

  From the first moment I saw this house I knew I would live here and I knew this was a special place, for me and for those who would come here. It is a place of healing; a quiet, restful place to catch your breath, dial down, unplug, unwind and just be.....when I came across the above quote it struck me that it was not just happenstance that this place, this house is located in the Land of Water.

I thought of how water is used for baptism, for cleansing, for moving things out of the way, for clearing out, for smoothing over, for polishing, for proceeding forward....all the things I need to do with my life and I can to rest in the knowledge that my new home, my sanctuary, my temple, my body, my soul is exactly where it needs to be....

In the last few weeks as I've been settling in and getting used to the new rhythm of my life, in the back of my head I kept thinking I should be doing more, that I needed a new project to start, that I should be "doing" something with my new life, I was starting to feel guilty....then I started receiving tidbits of randomness; a word here, a quote, a cyber postcard, all leading me back to same thought; that this feeling of guiltiness was WRONG, that I need to stop worrying, thinking about what my next "project" is going to be because I already know, have known, my next "project" is me.

For too long my past issues have been the (literal) mountain in the middle of the room, at first it was the excuse as to why I allowed myself to procrastinate on moving forward with my "projects", once I do my "housework" then I can give my "project" the time it deserves, but then I would procrastinate on my housework as well until it became a physical mountain that became so overwhelming that it took the Universe creating a catalyst, creating a do-or-die situation to shock me out of my self-imposed hell.....I have climbed that mountain and conquered it, clearing the way for no more excuses....but now I have to step up and tackle my own "house", my temple: my mind, body and soul...as I was fretting over wondering what my next project should be the answer came to me, quietly and quite clearly, time now to use this place of healing to cleanse my body, my mind and my soul, time to use this temple of rest and retreat to heal myself. I have tackled one of my biggest obstacles and it no longer stands in my way, time to turn inward and start becoming the woman I am meant to be...

Blessed Be...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The sweetness of cultivating roots.......

"Speaking of lairs, mine has been getting to know me slowly .. this house has been here a long time longer than me, and there are stories in the walls I am sure. I feel like each day I have nested and arranged and unpacked and boiled the kettle and sat painting, I wafted metaphorical Rima into the house as others have done before me, and the walls are sniffing me to see what they think." Rima Staines - The Hermitage

This is one of my favorite quotes. The first time I read it I was so taken with her choice of imagery "the walls are sniffing me to see what they think." I feel that happening now, here at Blue Moon Cottage except we've moved past the sniffing stage and moved onto hugging. This house "sniffed" me out the first time I walked through the door and like what it saw, I truly believe that. I also believe that was part of the reason why everything so incredibly smoothly with the whole process of buying this house.

I lived in the other house for 22 years, rented it for 22 years. It was a house, it kept us warm, safe and dry but it never felt like HOME to me. Some of it had to do with the fact that it was never truly mine, some of it because the worst period of my life happened there, but so did some of the best, the most magickal, most evolved times in my life. I hold the memories dear but it was past time for me to go, to move on. In fact over the last few years I think the house was ready for me to leave before I was. When the house was finally empty again of all traces of mine and my kids life we both seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, we both knew my time in that house was done. Since we've moved I have heard that the landlord has torn up all the greenery around the house and yard...stripping the whole place bare, inside and out, starting over with a clean slate.

Blue Moon Cottage on the other hand is mine, completely mine and not just because the mortgage and title are in my name, but mine in a deeper sense, as in I BELONG there. I know this much, I have never slept so peacefully anywhere else....as soon as I get home I feel at peace....from the first time I pulled into the drive as the new owner it has NEVER felt weird, there was no "adjustment" period, I have never drove home towards the "old" house, it just feels like it has always been that way instead of just a few weeks....and that's when you know your roots are growing in the right place......

Blessed Be.

Welcome to my NEW blog!

Thank you for following me here to my new blog: The Witch of Blue Moon Cottage.

My life has changed dramatically in the last few years but especially over the last few months. I decided that my old blog belonged to my past...(it will still be available for reading).....this fresh start, this new chapter in my life finds me with a new "voice" as well that needs a fresh, new venue to sparkle in!

I hope you'll come visit me here at Blue Moon Cottage, we'll dance around the campfire, share some spells, read the Tarot, delve into the shadows between the moonlight. Some days I'll stir up a big pot of my magickal soup, brew you some enchanted tea and we'll sit at my antique maplewood kitchen table and talk, share, laugh, cry and wonder at the magick of it all....