Sunday, July 12, 2015

Stepping off into a new life....

At my last post I wrote about planting seeds for the Garden of Your Life at the New Moon. Anyone who has read any of my posts will know that one of my main goals, for quite a while now, was to end the relationship I was in, I finally accomplished that goal!

I love how our meeting with the lawyer happened right at the last New Moon (June 15th) the perfect time to start a new path, a new cycle) and that the papers were signed and he moved out of my house eighteen days later at the next Full Moon (July 2nd) the time for the culmination of events, of a manifest intention, the completion of a cycle).

What's even more magickal is that the first Full Moon that I will spend in my new life is a BLUE MOON!

The last Blue Moon we had was August 31, 2012, the day I moved into Blue Moon Cottage, (hence the name).

It was the beginning of a new life, but it still wasn't quite where and how I wanted my life to be. I still had to make some changes, and those have finally happened, right in time for the very next Blue Moon!

Talk about the Universe sending it's blessings upon a properly manifested intention!

So now it begins......

A new life, a new outlook, new steps to a new dance.....

A slower dance, a meandering stroll through gratitude and grace....

A gentle float upon the breeze.

A lace curtain billowing across a blue and white bed.

The quiet simplicity of a table under a willow tree with vintage linens, garden flowers and candles in a mason jar; where food, wine, art, music, deep conversations, laughter, smiles, peaceful, healing love energy are created and manifested here.

Meals prepared and cooked together in a cozy witch's kitchen.

Warmth from a wood stove filling the cottage in a loving embrace as the snow falls.

Books, candles, magical conversations, gardening, wine, laughter, sunshine, flowers, bonfires; wind swishing through pines; ducks calling from the lake; bees and honey, frogs and butterflies; leaves, pumpkins and black cats; moonlight, starlight, and of course, Magick.

Gentleness, forgiveness, love, respect, understanding, freedom, contentment, peace, friendship, healing, grace, gratitude, growing, learning, acceptance, organic flow, stress-free, judgement free, open heart, open mind, relaxed, free flowing existence.

This is the life I intend to manifest for myself at Blue Moon Cottage......join me.


  1. So this is going to be the third time trying to post this. lol

    Your blog post was wonderful and your Blue Moon Cottage journey sounds like it's going to be full of Magick. I wish you all the best and look forward to following your journey.

  2. LOVE your blog. Just found you through She Who Is' FB "share your art" post. Blessings to you.

    1. Thank you Julie! I hope you'll visit again. Blessings to you as well.

  3. Very nice Michele...You are creating magic as your life unfolds perfectly, just the way it needs to happen. Growth, peace, and all wonderful things are being manifested.
    Well done....
    Love to you. Aimee

  4. Very nice Michele...You are creating magic as your life unfolds perfectly, just the way it needs to happen. Growth, peace, and all wonderful things are being manifested.
    Well done....
    Love to you. Aimee
